ich brauche ruhe (i need peace and quiet), 1994
Video installation, Kartause Ittingen, Kunstmuseum Thurgau, Warth/ch. Curated by Markus Landert.
The Kunstmuseum of the canton Thurgau is part of a foundation that includes workshops for the handicapped, a hotel with seminar rooms for conferences, a restaurant, and so on. Here our attention is again called to outside-of-town areas, but foregrounded is not social surveillance but the meditative concentration of a disciplined Charterhouse community. The installation in the basement featured the video ich brauche ruhe (i need peace and quiet), duration: 9'30", projected over child-sized monk’s habits, thus blending in old and new connections between a work ethic and recuperation. The newest models of sewing machines appear to be stitching up cloth and their hum is mixed with the busy noises from the restaurant. A pile of soap bars and men’s underpants underline the fastidious and (pre-)Protestant ethics.
(Excerpt from text by Susann Wintsch, in: we save what you give, monograph on RELAX, A project by edition fink through Verlag für moderne Kunst Nürnberg, 2006)