

shake the dust, 2008
Video installation in: Shifting Identities, Kunsthaus Zürich. Curated by Mirjam Varadinis and Alexandra Blättler.

The Installation shake the dust draws an image of the simultaneity of ongoing proceedings that are out of our reach and therefore uncontrollable. Several elements are placed in front of an unfinished wall, which had some gallery white paint badly applied to it. Top of the wall: 3 grid filters, wire and white painted wood, 90 x 200 cm each.

Other elements are the video invest & drawwipe, duration: 8', which shows how two hands that erase borders on maps, redraw them or trace completely different lines. The sound comes from the holes in the wall. 7 drawings, pencil on paper, 100 x 70 cm each, nailed on the wall. The drawings bring up several words and sentences that are always in the air: in the art context, the political context and on an emotional and a mental level. The drawings are nailed to the wall, one next to the other. Reading them together evokes a sort of a loop. OF COURSE WELFARE is a silkprints on silver (585 x 170 cm) and white awnings, plexiglass box 146 x 56 x 84 cm, receipts from various shops and supermarkets. At the end of the wall: the artists just before the peak of their career, photograph, lambda print on alucobond, 180 x 125 cm.