wiewieviel? (howhowmuch?), 2017
Video installation in: An Exhibition for You, Helmhaus Zurich. Curated by Daniel Morgenthaler.
The installation stands on added flooring, painted grey. A wall panel and a hoarding are the backdrop of the installation. Its front side shows three motion detectors, the photo of a crossing in Brooklyn with its caption All you need is love and a pair of shoes, and a YOUBOX, containing a dark red liquid which can be (re)moved by the visitors. The back end shows an octopus and three wiper-machines that are slowly erasing the same caption that accompanies the photo on the front. The wiper machines are switched on by the unsuspecting visitors in front of the backdrop. A screen shows the video of the feminist economist Mascha Madörin who is talking about un/paid work. Duration of the video: 23’.
Photos: FBM Studio, Zürich