

How do we start? 2024
Wie beginnen wir?
(Beschreibung DE)

Installation by RELAX (chiarenza & hauser & co), in: einziehen umräumen (move in, rearrange). The show will change continuously until December 2024 with interventions by Leila Peacock, Christoph Brünggel and The Field.
Kunstraum Baden, May 26 - December 1st, 2024
Curated by Patrizia Keller

For the opening project einziehen umräumen (move in, rearrange), the art space is being explored as a place that offers public access, but is by no means "neutral": "It is occupied, has a tone, is charged by the statements of the subjects acting in it" RELAX says. For the installation "How do we start?", RELAX wallpapered various surfaces with colored papers.

The two front walls of the room - the wall with the entrance to the art space and the wall with the entrances to the office and the storage room to the same space - are covered with poster paper printed in one color each. As green screens and blue screens they frame the space.

A series of hanging wooden panels from previous exhibitions form a diagonal in the room. The panels are covered on the front and back with printed paper in the mixed colors orange, violet and brown. Two drawings and three texts are printed on some of the posters.

The space set up for the reopening fades into the background over time. It will be used, perhaps supplemented, superimposed and gradually transformed.

Documentation photos: (c) 2024, Anja Wille Schori and RELAX