

Einkommenslücke (Income gap), 2017
A video by RELAX (chiarenza & hauser & co) with Mascha Madörin,
In: wiewieviel? (howhowmuch?), Helmhaus Zurich, 2017

Mascha Madörin (born 1946, lives near Basel) is a freelance feminist economist. At an early stage she uncovered the relations the Swiss economy entertained with the apartheid regime in South Africa and dissected the Swiss financial centre. Amongst various of her activities she is a founding member of Woman in Development Europe (WIDE) Switzerland, a platform for gender and development issues. She regularly comments on questions of the care economy and researches monetary theories. In 2016 the book: Quer denken. Ein Lesebuch mit und über Mascha Madörin (in english: Thinking outside the box. A reader with and about Mascha Madörin) was published by Edition 8, Zürich.

in the video, Mascha Madörin talks about her statistics (macro-economics in Switzerland and Europe), in which she explains how such a calculation works when all sectors of activities are included. She asks the question of well-being (how much does it cost? who does the work?) and proposes to think a time economy rather than a monetary economy.

Duration: 22'50''
Language: german (with english subtitles)
Protagonist: Mascha Madörin, freelance feminist economist
Authors, editors: RELAX (chiarenza & hauser & co)